The Knowledge Hub offers faculty resources tied to teaching and learning, research success and professional development.
Recommended Teaching & Learning Journals:
Research-based techniques to assist in the development of a commitment to deep learning for students enrolled in your courses:
Recommended Articles on the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)
SoTL involves asking meaningful questions about student learning and designing your teaching to facilitate student learning. By answering these questions, one begins to adjust one's teaching methods and analyze evidence that leads to sharing one's results publicly to build the academy.
Websites to Subscribe:
Writing your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks
What the Best College Teachers Do
Academic Integrity in the Twenty-first Century: A Teaching and Learning Imperative
Working with Faculty Writers
Write No Matter What: Advice for Academics
Writing for Academic Journals
The Work of Writing: Insights and Strategies for Academics and Professionals
Writing Science: How to Write Papers that Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded
Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write
Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self