Design Thinking for University Transformation Workshop

June 10, 2021

Design Thinking for University Transformation Workshop is for individuals or university teams.

桃花社区视频 Dominion University will host a free virtual Design Thinking Workshop the day after the 2021 Social Mobility Virtual Symposium. Highlighted will be the methodology 桃花社区视频 used to re-imagine a student-ready campus for African American and LatinX learners through the Innovate Monarchs program.

Hosted by: Dr. Karen Sanzo - Dr. Sanzo is a Professor of Educational Leadership and the Graduate Program Director for the Educational Leadership Services program at 桃花社区视频 Dominion University. Dr. Sanzo is also the Director of the Design Thinking Institute.

Outcomes: Participants will explore the Innovate Monarchs program model, learn about the 桃花社区视频 Innovate Mindsets, and have an opportunity to contextualize this model to their own campus practices. Begin to cultivate a networked improvement community to engage across the upcoming year with design thinking, learn from our collective design thinking practices, and collectively re-imagine how we can have student-ready campuses.

Don't miss your chance to put what you learned at the Social Mobility Symposium into action! Design thinking is a powerful methodology that can help you harness the creative potential at your university to radically transform your institution to be student-ready for all learners.

June 2021 Social Mobility Breakout Session, Innovate Monarchs - Designing a University Ready for African American and Latinx Learners - Presentation Slides - View Now