Teacher Candidate Internships & Early Field Experiences

All Darden College of Education & Professional Studies teacher education programs provide opportunities to work with teachers and students in classrooms outside the University setting. These early field experiences (practica) and internships (student teaching) complement prospective students' studies of their teaching disciplines and of the teaching/learning process. Candidates are provided collaborative opportunities to practice instructional strategies in endorsement-specific classrooms under the supervision of licensed special education teachers. During these field experiences, candidates observe and participate instructionally both at elementary and middle/secondary levels; observe the operation of schools; analyze the implementation of curricula and instructional strategies; observe the growth and development of students; and assist with appropriate classroom and extra class activities. The early field/internship experiences are evaluated by clinical faculty (cooperating teachers/mentors) in the schools in conjunction with University faculty.

Teacher Candidate Internship (Student Teaching)

The early field experiences and teacher candidate internships are an integral part of the preparation of professional educators. Thus, it is the policy of the special education program that they remain as requirements in all regular, approved teacher education programs. However, there are instances, especially in times of teacher shortages, when a teacher education student accepts a teaching position before completing an internship. While this is not encouraged and contravenes the principles supported by the program, it does occur. If a student has accepted a teaching position and wishes to complete his/her teacher preparation program through 桃花社区视频 Dominion University without teacher candidate internship, the school system where the individual is employed will become responsible for securing the individual's teaching license through the Virginia Department of Education. The chief certification officer at 桃花社区视频 Dominion University will sign the necessary paperwork to indicate that the individual has completed all courses in an approved teacher licensure program with the exception of teacher candidate internship. However, if the candidate has completed all coursework, has the appropriate GPA, is recommended by his/her advisor, and the school is willing to provide a mentor, the Darden College of Education & Professional Studies will allow the candidate to complete a mentored internship experience while under contract. This option must be approved in advance through the appropriate department chair and the director of the Office of Clinical Experiences.

The Office of Clinical Experiences makes all placements for teacher candidate internships. Deadlines, applications, and the Teacher Candidate Internship Handbook are available on their site.

Early Field Experiences (Practica)

Please note that registration into any course requiring an early field experience (e.g., SPED 403/503, 415/515, 428/528, 434/534, 435/535, 436/536, 441/541, 460/560, 461/561, 611, 618, 621, 623, 626, 627, 628, 630, 631, 633, 637, 639, 669, 671, 672, 675, 676, and 769) will require passing Praxis Core Academic Skills Test for Educators scores or an equivalent and an 桃花社区视频 Office of Clinical Experiences Clearance Check to be placed on file with Office of Clinical Experiences (Room 2345, Education Building, (757) 683-3348). Individuals who request to use ACT or SAT scores for Praxis must provide a copy of their official report of scores. The Division of Teacher Education and Licensure will accept the ACT or SAT scores listed on an official student transcript from an accredited college or university (including the registrar's signature and institution raised seal). Individuals who hold Virginia Collegiate Professional or Postgraduate Professional licenses must provide a photocopy of the license to the Office of Clinical Experiences .

Early Field Experience (Practicum) Policy:

A candidate may participate in a course with an early field experience through one of two tracks:

  1. A candidate may be eligible to participate in the early field experience for the course if s/he has been admitted into an approved teacher education program. This requires that candidates pass the Praxis Core Academic Skills Test for Educators or meet Virginia Board of Education approved cut-off scores for the SAT or ACT and provide an 桃花社区视频 Office of Clinical Experiences Clearance Check. In addition, candidates must meet the GPA for their individual programs, professional education courses, and minimum grade requirements along with any other course prerequisites.
  2. A provisionally licensed teacher may participate in an early field experience for the course if s/he is currently employed with a school division, has a letter from the Virginia Department of Education listing the course as a needed requirement, and has passing Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) scores. The provisionally licensed teacher will have to meet all the requirements for the course as stated in the syllabus.

Requesting an Early Field Experience (Practicum):

All students enrolled in a course with an early field experience will receive an email from the Office of Clinical Experiences with additional information. Students must complete the practicum coursepak (pdf) and return it to their instructors to be graded or processed.