Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Ayodeji Demuren

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Thermo/Fluids, Computational Method, Imperial College London, (1979)

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, (1975)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Demuren, A. O. "Insulin Occlusion Study " $10,000. - 2011
Demuren, A. O. and Diawara, N. "Impaired Insulin Delivery During Continuous Insulin Infusion" $77,650. - 2009
Demuren, A. O. "Insulin Pump Delivery System Occlusion Study" $20,000. February 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008
Demuren, A. O. and Hou, G. J.W.. "High Performance Planning Hulls" $40,000. October 1, 2007 - December 31, 2008
Demuren, A. O. "CAT Machine Dust Minimization CFD Analysis. January 1, 2005 - December 30, 2008
Hou, G. J.W.. and Demuren, A. O. "Methodology for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of High Performance Planing Hull" $40,000. November 2007 - October 2008
Demuren, A. O. "Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Flows. 1991 - 2000
Demuren, A. O. "Computations of Turbulent Flows. 1990 - 2000
Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. "Calculation of Complex Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets. 1992 - 1996
Demuren, A. O. "Convergence Acceleration of the Proteus Computer Code with Multigrid Methods. 1992 - 1995
Demuren, A. O. "Turbulence Modeling Canonical Flows. February 1994 - September 1994
Demuren, A. O. "Computational Mechanics CFD. 1990 - 1992
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. "Development of a Model for the Calculation of Sediment Transport in Rivers. 1986 - 1989
Demuren, A. O. "Investigation of the Prospects for Wind Energy Utilisation in Nigeria. 1987 - 1988


Wang, B., Demuren, A. O., Gyuricsko, E. and Hui, H. (2011). An Experimental Study of Pulsed Micro Flows Pertinent to Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy. Experiments in Fluids 51 , pp. 65-74.
Phairoh, T., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2011). Cellular Automata and ÌÒ»¨ÉçÇøÊÓƵ Space Representation Applied to Urban Land-use Modeling: Norfolk. International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation 3 (1) , pp. 25-29.
Demuren, A. O. and Grotjans, H. (2009). Buoyancy-Driven Flows—Beyond the Boussinesq Approximation. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 56 , pp. 1–22.
Demuren, A. O., Wilson, R. V.. and Carpenter, M. (2001). Higher-Order Compact Schemes for Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flows, Part I: Theoretical Development. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B 39 (3) , pp. 207-230.
Wilson, R. V.., Demuren, A. O. and Carpenter, M. (2001). Higher-Order Compact Schemes for Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flows, Part II: Applications. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B 39 (3) , pp. 231-255.
Demuren, A. O. and Ibraheem, S. O.. (1998). Multigrid Method for the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. AIAA Journal 36 (1) , pp. 31-37.
Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1998). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jets with Rectangular Cross-Section. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 120 , pp. 285-290.
Wizman, V., Laurence, D., Kanniche, M., Durbin, P. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). Modeling Near Wall Effects in Second Moment Closures by Elliptic Relaxation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 17 , pp. 255-266.
Ibraheem, S. O.. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). On Bi-grid Local Mode Analysis of Solution Techniques for 3--D Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. Journal of Computational Physics 125 , pp. 354-377.
Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). Two-Dimensional Spatially Developing Mixing Layers. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A , pp. 485-509.
Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. (1994). Estimating Uncertainty in Computations of Two-Dimensional Separated Flows. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering 116.
Demuren, A. O. and Ibraheem, S. O.. (1994). On the Stability Analysis of Approximate Factorization Methods for 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B 25 , pp. 97-117.
Demuren, A. O. (1993). A Numerical Model for Flow in Meandering Channels with Natural Bed Topography. Water Resources Research 29 (4) , pp. 1269-1277.
Demuren, A. O. (1993). Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets in Crossflow. International Journal of Engineering Science 31 (6) , pp. 899-913.
Demuren, A. O. (1993). Influence of the Turbulence Model in Calculations of Flow over Obstacles with Second-Moment Closures. Journal of Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics 46/47 , pp. 95-104.
Demuren, A. O. and Sarkar, S. (1993). Perspective:Systematic Study of Reynolds Stress Closure Models in the Computations of Plane Channel Flows. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering 115 , pp. 5-12.
Demuren, A. O. (1992). Multigrid Acceleration and Turbulence Models for Computations of 3D Turbulent Jets in Crossflow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 35 (11) , pp. 2783-2794.
Demuren, A. O. (1991). Calculation of Turbulence-Driven Secondary Motion in Ducts with Arbitrary Cross-Section. AIAA Journal 29 (4) , pp. 531-537.
Demuren, A. O. (1989). Application of Multigrid Methods for Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 203 , pp. 255-265.
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1987). Three-Dimensional Calculation of Turbulent Duct Flow with Non-Uniform Inlet Conditions. Computers and Fluids 15 (1) , pp. 47-57.
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1987). Three-Dimensional Numerical Calculations of Flow and Plume Spreading Past Cooling Towers. Transactions ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer 109 , pp. 113-119.
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1986). Calculation of Flow and Pollutant Dispersion in Meandering Channels. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 172 , pp. 63-92.
Demuren, A. O. and Ideriah, F. (1986). Pipe Network Analysis by Partial Pivoting Method. Trans ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 112 (5) , pp. 327-333.
Demuren, A. O., Rodi, W. and Schonung, B. (1986). Systematic Study of Film-Cooling with a Three-Dimensional Calculation Procedure. Transactions ASME Journal of Turbomachinery 108 , pp. 124-130.
Demuren, A. O. (1985). False Diffusion in Three-Dimensional Flow Calculations. Computers and Fluids 13 (4) , pp. 411-419.
Demuren, A. O. (1985). Prediction of Steady Surface Thermal Plume in Cross Flow. Warme und Stoffubertragung 19 , pp. 41-46.
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1984). Calculation of Turbulence-Driven Secondary Motion in Non-Circular Ducts. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 140 , pp. 189-222.
Demuren, A. O. (1983). Numerical Calculations of Steady Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets in Cross Flow. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 37 (3) , pp. 309-328.
Demuren, A. O. (1983). Prediction of the Steady Surface Thermal Plume. Warme und Stoffubertragung 17 , pp. 193-200.
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1983). Side Discharges into Open Channels: Mathematical Model. Trans. ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 109 (12) , pp. 1707-1722.

Book Chapters

Demuren, A. O. (1999). Modeling Jets in a Cross Flow John Wiley and Sons.
Demuren, A. O. (1996). Modeling Jets in a Cross Flow John Wiley and Sons.
Demuren, A. O. (1985). Modeling Turbulent Jets in Cross Flow Gulf Publishing Co.

Conference Proceeding

DiCicco, J. and Demuren, A. O. (2013). Distal Placement of an End-To-Side Bypass Graft Anastomosis; A 3-D Computational Study ASME Publication, paper FEDSM2005-12356.
Demuren, A. O. and Trehan, R. (2006). Computational Aerodynamics of the Ahmed Model Car Body Miami, Florida: Paper # FEDSM 2006-98285, Proceedings, 2006 ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting.
Chien, T., Hou, G. J.W.. and Demuren, A. O. (2005). 3D Heat Transfer Analysis of a Moving Heat Source SAE Publication SP-1959, paper 2005-01-1246.
Nagathil, R., Hou, G. J.W.., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2005). Modeling Experience on Friction Stir Welding Using FLUENT SAE Publication SP-1959, paper 2005-01-1245.
Demuren, A. O. and Quinn, W. (2005). On Streamwise Vorticity Generation in Complex Turbulent Jets (pp. 611-615) Proc. 4th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena.
Chien, T., Hou, G. J.W.., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2005). 3D Heat Transfer Analysis of a Moving Heat Source Detroit, MI: the SAE 2005 World Conference and Exhibition.
Nagathil, R., Hou, G. J.W.., Demuren, A. O. and Williamson, K. (2005). Modeling Experience on Friction Stir Welding Using FLUENT Detroit, MI: the SAE 2005 World Conference and Exhibition.
Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1997). Large-Eddy Simulation of Complex Jets Vancouver BC: Proceedings, Forum on Turbulent Flows, ASME, FED Summer Meeting.
Wilson, R. V.. and Demuren, A. O. (1996). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jets with Rectangular Cross-Section (pp. 121-127) San Diego, CA: Proceedings, Symposium on Vortex Flows and Vortex Methods, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting.
Demuren, A. O., Rogers, M. M.., Durbin, P. and Lele, S. K.. (1996). On Modeling Pressure Diffusion in Non-Homogeneous Shear Flows (pp. 63-72) Stanford, CA: Proceedings, Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research.
Laurence, D., Durbin, P. and Demuren, A. O. (1995). Modeling Near-Wall Effects in Second-Moment Closures by Elliptic Relaxation (pp. 20-1-20-6) University Park, PA: Proceedings, 10th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows.
Demuren, A. O. (1994). Elliptic Near-Wall Modeling for Turbulent Channel Flows (pp. 71-76) Lake Tahoe, NV: Proceedings, Forum 0n Turbulent Flows, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting.
Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. (1994). On Elliptic Relaxation Near Wall Models (pp. 61-71) Proceedings, ICASE/LaRC Workshop on Turbulence Transition and Combustion.
Demuren, A. O., Lele, S. K.. and Durbin, P. (1994). Role of Pressure Diffusion in Non-Homogeneous Shear Flows (pp. 313-321) Stanford, CA: Proceedings, Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research.
Demuren, A. O. and Wilson, R. V.. (1993). Estimating Uncertainty in Computations of Two-Dimensional Separated Flows (pp. 9-18) Washington, D.C.: Proceedings, Symposium on Quantification of Uncertainty in CFD, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Spring Meeting.
Demuren, A. O. and Sarkar, S. (1993). Study of Second-Moment Closure Models in Computations of Turbulent Shear Flows (pp. 53-62) Florence: Proceedings, 2nd Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements.
Demuren, A. O. and Sarkar, S. (1992). Application of Second Moment Closure Models to Complex Flows: Part 1 Wall Bounded Flows (pp. 575-588) Proceedings, ICASE/NASA Langley Workshop on Instability, Transition and Turbulence, Springer Verlag.
Demuren, A. O. (1992). Calculation of 3D Impinging Jets in Crossflow with Reynolds Stress Models Athens: Proceedings, ICHMT Symposium on Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery.
Demuren, A. O. (1992). Influence of the Diffusion Model in Calculations of Flow over Obstacles with Second-Moment Closures (pp. 219-224) Tokyo: Proceedings, First International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering.
Demuren, A. O. (1991). The Present Status and Future Direction of Algebraic Reynolds Stress Models (pp. 145-156) Cleveland, Ohio: Proceedings Workshop on Engineering Turbulence Modeling, NASA Lewis Research Center.
Demuren, A. O. (1991). Turbulence and Stall in Plane Diffusers Computational Study (pp. 179-188) Stanford, California: Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Laminar and Turbulent Flows.
Demuren, A. O. (1990). Characteristics of 3D Turbulent Jets in Crossflow (pp. B1:1-11) Rolla, Missouri: Proceedings, 12th Symposium on Turbulence.
Demuren, A. O. (1990). Calculation of 3D Turbulent Jets in Crossflow with a Multigrid Method and a Second-Moment Closure Model (pp. 155-163) Dubrovnic: Proceedings International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements.
Demuren, A. O. (1990). Calculation of Turbulent Flow in Complex Geometries with a Second-Moment Closure Model (pp. 163-167) Toronto: 1990 ASME Fluids Engineering Conference.
Demuren, A. O. (1989). Calculation of Sediment Transport in Meandering Channels (pp. A323-329) Ottawa: Proceedings, 23rd Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research.
Arakawa, C., Demuren, A. O., Schonung, B. and Rodi, W. (1988). Application of Multigrid Methods for the Coupled and Decoupled Solution of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (pp. 1-8) Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg Verlag.
Demuren, A. O. (1986). Prospects for Wind Energy Utilisation in Nigeria (pp. 61-72) Ilorin: Proceedings, International AMSE Conference "Modeling and Simulation.
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1984). Three-Dimensional Calculation of Film Cooling by a Row of Jets (pp. 49-56) Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg Verlag.
Rodi, W., Celik, I., Demuren, A. O. and Keller, R. J.. (1983). New Developments in the Area of Computer Applications in Hydraulics and Water Resources (pp. 22-33) In Numerical Modelling in Hydraulics and Water Resources: Special Presentation of Recent Developments, IAHR.
Demuren, A. O. (1983). Three-Dimensional Numerical Computation of Flow and Pollutant Dispersion in Meandering Channels (pp. B.a.1-8) Proceedings, 20th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research Moscow.
Demuren, A. O. and Rodi, W. (1982). Calculation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow Around Car Bodies (pp. 1-22) Wolfsburg: Proceedings, International Symposium on Vehicle Aerodynamics.
Demuren, A. O. (1982). Computation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Jets in Cross Flow (pp. 296-313) In Proceedings, Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Springer Verlag.
Demuren, A. O. (1982). Numerical Computation of Supercritical and Subcritical Flows in Open Channels Finite Elements in Water Resources, Springer Verlag.
Rodi, W., Celik, I., Demuren, A. O., Scheurer, G., Shirani, E., Leschziner, M. A.. and Rastogi, A. K.. (1981). Calculations for the 1980-1981 AFOSR-HTTM Stanford Conference on Complex Turbulent Flows (pp. 1495-1516) In Proceedings, The 1980--1981 AFOSR-HTTM Stanford Conference.


Demuren, A. O. (December , 2006). CAT Dust Minimization Project Decatur, Ill.
Demuren, A. O. (May , 2006). Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Motion Ocean Lakes High School, Virginia Beach, VA.
  • Lewis F. Moody Award,
  • W.F. James Professor of Pure and Applied Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • 1997: Visiting Professor University of Tokyo,